lun 13 mag
Genesi dello sguardo - workshop
Time & Location
13 mag 2024, 15:15 – 16:45
Merano, Via Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, 1, 39012 Merano BZ, Italia
About The Event
Il workshop esplora l’immanenza dello sguardo, dal buio (latino burium, derivato di burrus ‘rosso scuro’) del corpo, alla luce riflessa negli “specchi” del mondo.
Come dichiarò il grande regista Peter Brook, le neuroscienze cognitive sono arrivate a scoprire ciò che, in pratica, era noto da sempre a artisti e teatranti.
In occasione della partecipazione alla Prima Conferenza Internazionale sull'Embodied Education a Copenhagen Nazario Zambaldi apre un workshop libero e gratuito a interessare interessati. Info e prenotazioni: +39 329 6768999
Università di Aarhus, Campus Copenaghen, Danimarca. 15 - 17 maggio 2024 Aprire nuovi orizzonti nell’Embodied Education
(Immagine: “Oculus”, Nazario Zambaldi, 2000).
Nell'ambito di CRATere piccola rassegna di teatro, arti e umanità.
INFO: +39 329 6768999
Description of the workshop in Copenhagen:
As the great director Peter Brook declared, cognitive neuroscience has come to discover what has been known for artists and thespians all along, in practice. Between the visible and invisible, inter- and intra-subjectivity, movement and action are opportunities to experience presence: phenomenological consciousness as gaze. The workshop fits as a partial creative synthesis - exemplary - in a multi-year journey in theater and art, as well as in the PhD research “Embodied Education through art and theater”. The direction of the research has been indicated in 2021 in the talk entitled “Polis: Arts-Based Research in Education” at the END Education New Developments conference ( by reviewing the workshops held since 2000 using the arts as a tool for creative conflict management, in particular in creating community through the relational use of visual arts and theatre, as well as work in primary and secondary schools, theatre work in psychiatry (2004-2013) and in asylum seeker centres (2015-2019). This personal research - initiated in theater with master Jurij Alschitz - continues in teaching, artistic and theatrical production had an important realization in the involvement of the community and local institutions, museums, associations and universities in 2018 in collaboration with Cittadellarte and Michelangelo Pistoletto and in 2020 in the exhibition and projects dedicated to Bruno Munari, as well as in recent work with Peter Brook’s collaborator Mamadou Dioume. The most recent synthesis of this research is the conference PEA - Pedagogy Ecology and the Arts (, which in its first edition in 2023 entitled “polis” linked the ecological dimension, that is, the mind-body-environment system, the arts and pedagogy. The workshop aims to highlight how the biopolitical dimension of change is expressed from embodied experience and how this occurs naturally through the visual and kinesic channels opened in a symbolic metaphorical dimension by the arts through the body.
First International Conference on Embodied Education Aarhus University, Campus Copenhagen, Denmark. 15 - 17 May 2024 Breaking new grounds in embodied education.
“Genesis of the gaze” Nazario Zambaldi workshop