Presentazione di PEA "peace" e dei Keynote speakers
sab 11 mag

Time & Location
11 mag 2024, 11:00 – 11:05
Merano, Via Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, 1, 39012 Merano BZ, Italia
About The Event
Presentazione della Call "peace" della conferenza PEA Pedagogia Ecologia e Arti e dei relatori invitati e Keynote con i curatori e gli organizzatori.
Accademia Akademie Meran-o in collaborazione con EUPHUR nell'ambito di CRATere piccola rassegna di teatro, arti e umanità.
Presentation of the Call "peace" of PEA Pedagogy Ecology and the Arts conference and of the invited and keynote speakers with the curators and organizers. Accademia Akademie Meran-o in collaboration with EUPHUR and CRATere. Call: Keynote speakers:
PEA's main site is Villa San Marco in Innerhofer Street 1 in Merano where the Academy of Italian-German Studies has been based since 1949 and the EUPHUR Euregio Platform on Human Dignity and Human Rights since 2016. Another venue for workshops and events is the nearby Centre for culture in Cavour Street 1 where CRAT Centre for Research in Arts and Theater since 2010 is based with the cultural association TEATRO PRATIKO founded…